
The Snail Mail Collective

Last month I signed up for the Snail Mail Collective. It was created by Mel of The Nectar Collective and Chelsea of Lost in Travels (their blogs are awesome by the way so if you have time check it out!!). They decided to get a bunch of bloggers from all around the world together and pair them up. About 130 bloggers joined! I was paired up with Megan (more on that later) and the rules were as follows: We were to get to know each other over the month of July through our blogs and/or email, making comments, making a new blogging friend, and discovering new blogs! If you are interested in joining the Snail Mail Collective, want more info, or if you want to sign up and participate your blog in the month of August you can check out Mel’s blog here or Chelsea’s blog here. Okay enough about the collective – let me tell you a bit about Megan, her adventures, and her awesome blog . . .

Megan was last living in Texas but is currently living in Australia! Her blog is called Neither Here Nor There and she did a makeover of it about a month ago and it looks great! I got to know her a lot through emailing and she is seriously so sweet and thoughtful! I asked her a million questions about living in Australia which she graciously answered. While exploring her blog I was sucked into her pictures and adventurous experiences. Here are a few of my favorite posts by her for you to check out:

1. A good place to start is her about me page where you can get to know her life story.

2. My all-time favorite post was when she went to The Great Ocean Road. Here pictures are incredible and I now want to go and see it for myself!!

3. She even lives near The Great Barrier Reef! How sick is that??

4. Oh, and I found out that Kookaburra’s are real! They weren’t just made up for the song!

So, the last part involved in The Snail Mail Collective was that we were required to mail each other a small gift from our countries : ) Megan is so cute and creative and I had so much fun opening her gifts. One of the gifts were cookies from Australia called TimTams. Since we were visiting with my family I thought I’d share these delicious treats – and clearly my family liked them!

Mom and Dad wishing there were more TimTams!

Mom and Dad wishing there were more TimTams!

She included a cute card with descriptions of each gift and a lovely postcard:

DSCN7904In the picture above you can see that she’s even included a bar of soap made from Australian sheep milk! The best part of the gift was that it included a shell and piece of coral from – you guessed it – the Great Barrier Reef!! Seriously the coolest thing I’ve ever gotten in the mail:

DSCN7906I can’t wait to continue to follow Megan’s blog – I feel like I really know her now!

For the month of August I won’t be able to participate in the collective because many of you know that I’m in Scotland at the moment!! Big smiles : ) I’ll be traveling all around and very busy but I’m fully anticipating to join again in September!